Tomorrow is for tomorrow

If my now five years at Maryland have taught me anything, it’s that things are rarely what they seem and never what you expect. As I sit here and write this, I’m in a very different place than I expected to be even a few months ago. This year, I spent my first full summer at UMD. This was the first time that I had to spend time away from all the people I was used to here at UMD. The girls I had lived with and grown alongside of for four years had all graduated and moved on. I faced a grueling summer workload without any of the things or people I’d counted on to keep me grounded… But something kind of amazing happened. In the midst of all the change. In the midst of all the craziness and stress, I found that I was happy.

Yes, I had a seemingly insurmountable workload. Yes, I missed my old place and my old roomies. But I felt okay. For the first time, I felt like I really could face the changes I’d been dreading. I could be excited for all my best friends as they moved to the next phase of their lives. I could accept where I was instead of wishing myself forwards or backwards. I was where God had planted me and that made everything okay. I’m still in a very different place than I expected to be. Some of the recent changes in my life were expected, even planned. People who used to live a few feet away are now a few states away. But that’s okay. As much as I miss them, they’re pursuing the passions and gifts that God has given them, just as I am pursuing mine. Some changes weren’t expected. People who I thought would be always be in my corner are suddenly completely absent from my life. That’s okay too. Some people come into our lives for a season, then it’s time for them to leave. Their absence may be painful, but there is always a lesson to be learned. Sometimes, a person walks out of your life to make room for someone new or to make you realize just how amazing the other people surrounding you truly are. Everything we face comes through God’s hands. I’m not big enough to mess up God’s plan for my life. He’s brought a lot of changes to me, but He’s also brought some pretty amazing people into my life over the past month. So no, I’m not where I thought I’d be. But tonight, I’m just taking the time to enjoy where I’m at and I’m letting tomorrow worry about itself.

2 thoughts on “Tomorrow is for tomorrow”

  1. I missed reading your words …. as always , like a great book , it’s hard to put down . I miss you and love you much ❤️

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